It's only been 3 days with no Facebook & I already feel free. FREE!!! Weird, because prior to the #100daysofhappinesschallenge it wasn't abnormal to go for 3 days without Facebook, but the fact that it's not there waiting for me with new "likes" or comments or messages is actually really nice! Not saying I didn't enjoy people communicating with me on there, but for the sake of the social experiment, I feel like I just have so much more time now to actually spend time communicating with people!
Who knows how much time I actually used to spend browsing my Facebook, updating myself on world news & entertaining myself with friends' pictures... because now, I'm getting more cleaning done, getting more communicating done (Skyped with 2 of my besties for the first time in months!), AND I'm learning some new stuff (educating myself on the world of real estate investing!) instead of reading my news feed. Oh, AND I started a new blog with one of my friends as a source of inspiration to encourage each other to pursue creativity in our lives/jobs/relationships - WOOT WOOT check it out. I may just write write write forever.
One thing I want to clarify is that by "no Facebook Challenge" I mean I deactivated my personal Facebook account. (This does not mean I do not still see Facebook almost daily because the social media management aspect of my job involves running the Facebook page for my place of employment.)
It's only been 3 days on the #100daysnofacebookchallenge , and already, I feel a difference. Stay tuned (and call/text/email/write me a letter if you miss me) :)
T. S. Hori
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