Wednesday, September 17, 2014

On the Third Day...

It's only been 3 days with no Facebook & I already feel free.  FREE!!!  Weird, because prior to the #100daysofhappinesschallenge it wasn't abnormal to go for 3 days without Facebook, but the fact that it's not there waiting for me with new "likes" or comments or messages is actually really nice!  Not saying I didn't enjoy people communicating with me on there, but for the sake of the social experiment, I feel like I just have so much more time now to actually spend time communicating with people!

Who knows how much time I actually used to spend browsing my Facebook, updating myself on world news & entertaining myself with friends' pictures... because now, I'm getting more cleaning done, getting more communicating done (Skyped with 2 of my besties for the first time in months!), AND I'm learning some new stuff (educating myself on the world of real estate investing!) instead of reading my news feed.  Oh, AND I started a new blog with one of my friends as a source of inspiration to encourage each other to pursue creativity in our lives/jobs/relationships - WOOT WOOT check it out.  I may just write write write forever.

One thing I want to clarify is that by "no Facebook Challenge" I mean I deactivated my personal Facebook account.  (This does not mean I do not still see Facebook almost daily because the social media management aspect of my job involves running the Facebook page for my place of employment.)

It's only been 3 days on the #100daysnofacebookchallenge , and already, I feel a difference.  Stay tuned (and call/text/email/write me a letter if you miss me) :)

T. S. Hori

Sunday, September 14, 2014

So What All Have I Learned On Facebook Lately?

Not gonna lie... my Facebook news feed is full of awesomeness in the form of articles about totally mostly useless information, i.e. politics, news headlines about celebrities & what's going on in the world that will never actually affect me.  However, it is also full of beautiful pictures of my growing nieces & nephews, videos of their performances, moments in time that we will never get back, and it's full of the lives of all the bestestest friends I've ever had raising children, buying new homes, growing plants, playing with puppies, cooking tasty looking dishes & simply enjoying life.

The other day I called to chat with my nieces, nephew & big sis in Georgia, & when my nephew got on the line I asked him if he knew who I was.  He didn't, so when I reminded him I'm one of his aunts, he replied, "the blonde one?"...  If my nephew doesn't even know who I am, then I have failed at keeping in touch no matter how many awesome pics of him I may "like" on Facebook.  If I'm not seeing him in person or at least talking to him on the phone, I'm a stranger.  I know I'm going to miss out on so much without Facebook, but what if I don't?  What if I actually get in BETTER touch with my family & friends who live on the other side of the country by way of de-Facebooking? 

I mean, I'll still have this blog, so I'll still be in the world-wide web (& 2 other blogs that I will probably pay more attention to without the distraction of Facebook), so people can still kind of keep up with my life if they want to, but this is an experiment & if you choose to follow along, I hope you have as much fun experimenting as I do!

Starting Monday, Sept. 15th, #100daysnofacebookchallenge !  Tons of people live without Facebook, or only check it a few times a year, so this shouldn't be a big deal, but since it has been my family/friend's #1 way of communicating with me since I moved to Cali 4 years ago, we are all going to have to figure out new (old) ways of communicating!  Let's talk on the phone!  Let's write some letters!  Without Facebook, would we have all lost touch when I moved, or would we have been even closer because we would have talked on the phone more often or had more meaningful & direct sharing of our lives via letters?

So, as I bid adieu to Facebook, let's take a look back at the last few days/weeks of what I've learned thanks to Facebook:
  • my friends in Hawaii have the cutest kitty cat ever & always posting awesome pics of either the pretty kitten or GORGEOUS Hawaiian scenery (thank you!)
  • my cousin's kids look like they're killin it in martial arts! (they also would not recognize me in person but it's still cool to watch them grow!)- they also have an awesome new home complete with pool & a drumset (party pad!  I have got to come party one of these days!)
  • some of my friends are amazing cooks, yum
  • my friend's dog is intrigued by his own shadow, AND she actually won an all-expense-paid trip out here to LA to see Katy Perry in concert!!! haha so I get to see her again for the 1st time in 4 years! yay!
  • my oldest niece is a high school cheerleader OMG, I feel old
  • one of my aunts had surgery & it went well
  • an old roomie is growing this awesome plant/vine I've never seen before, wrapping around the railing of her stairs in her new home (pretty!), & they have a 150 gallon reef tank that's BEAUTIFUL (video)
  • my friends' kids went to their first ever parade & before that they were at a farm/petting zoo (such cute pics!)
  • an ex-co-worker's grandma is in the hospital 
  • an ex-co-worker (police dispatcher) accidentally said "brain fart" on the radio lmao
  • an ex-co-worker was driving home when a hawk flew beside her for a half mile! that's awesome
  • after 6 years in foster care & 18 different placements, pre-teen twin sisters got adopted together (from following a non-profit called CASA)
  • my sister's friend was fake-engaged... I think?
  • an old roomie planted a bunch of bushes!
  • a pit bull rescued his deaf teenager owner from a housefire in Indiana (friend-shared news story)
  • um, a man has been accused of killing and cooking his ex-girlfriend's dog before secretly feeding it to her (that's what you get when you follow news stations)
  • someone threw a perfectly healthy little chihuahua in a dumpster (it was rescued- thanks again random news station)
  • alot of people are pregnant, one of my friends is preggers with twins & they had hiccups at the same time!
  • learned of a family member's pregnancy via Facebook (which shouldn't surprise me since I've also learned of family members' engagements/weddings via Facebook in the past)
  • TrackR Bravo is the name of the thinnest tracking device ever so you can attach it to your keys, cat, purse, so that you never lose anything again
  • someone literally designed & created a bookbag to look like a giant sack of testicles (that's what I get for following Ludacris' page)
  • apparently there's a "welfare-for-weed" loophole that is being pounded out now, where welfare recipients are legally able to buy marijuana with their EBT funds...
  • A man allegedly killed his five children, all between the ages of 1 and 8 then drove for 700 miles with them in the back of his SUV before dumping them along a dirt road (another news story- truth is truly stranger than fiction...)
  • Only one of the hundred search dogs that were deployed to search the wreckage of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, is still alive today
  • two of my old college buds moved back to Georgia after living in other states
  • Los Angeles has become the "epicenter" of money laundering operations for international drug rings (news story)
  • an extremely extreme solar storm is on its way to our planet & could really do a number on our power grids/radio waves soon
  • coyotes are causing chaos in LA... I imagine in this drought they are running out of food in the hills so watch out for your chihuahuas!
  • my friend's toddler is modeling in Japan (how cool!)
  • Keith Richards wrote a children's book (no way!)
  • the show "Resurrection" is back Sunday, Sept. 28th!  I thought it was cancelled! sweet
  • "you can earn more money, but when time is spent, it's gone forever." - Zig Ziglar
  • the founder of Chick-fil-a passed away
  • Joan Rivers passed away 
  • I learned about ALS & Lyme Disease (hence 1st post on this new blog)
  • my alma mater was ranked #4 on the 2014 "Best College Food in America" list- way to go KSU
  • it rained "rained" in LA, & I slept through it... but I found out on Facebook- haven't seen rain in a long time
  • a cousin's lawn was voted "Yard of the Month" in their community (congrats! It's beautiful!) & they started a pest control company
  • my friend's son's soccer team completed 2 seasons with no losses, going for a third- he's got mad skillz!
  • there is such a thing as "Jeep Fest"- definitely would have never known that without Facebook
  • my in-laws went to a country concert, cowboy hat & all
  • there are grapes that taste like cotton candy

Overwhelmed?  #100daysnofacebookchallenge